The black DataPort RJR110 SATA II Complete Assembly from CRU-DataPort is a removable drive carrier and frame which mounts any 3.5″ form factor SATA drive into a 5.25″ half-height peripheral slot.
This enclosure features cooling fans and a front-accessible power keylock. The keylock performs three functions, the key switch assures proper seating of the drive carrier within the receiving frame, turns power to the drive carrier on and off, and prevents unauthorized removal or installation of the carrier. The receiving frame has a fan that provides enhanced heat dissipation (4.7 CFM). The rugged all aluminum construction helps dissipate heat and ensures safety of your drive.
Its LEDs display power/drive activity of the SATA drive. This enclosure is suitable for government agencies, digital cinemas, and SMB organizations that need a removable drive enclosure to store, transport, and protect sensitive data. It will provide you with reliable performance, while protecting your data.